Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Music Means to Me

Lately I've been thinking about how much of my life is devoted to music...

I've found that I can trace practically everything I do do back to music. I wake up in the morning and go to our school's a cappella group. An hour later, I go to band or choir. When I get home, the first thing I do is homework but then I grab my laptop and compose or sit down at the piano.

When I feel down, one of the few things that can comfort me is music. When I feel happy, it is usually related to music.

I tend to view music as almost a person, albeit a silent one, who knows all of my insecurities, all of my pain, all of my joy, and all of my dreams. It consoles me. It congratulates me. It is there when no one else is. If I had to name my "best" friend, I'd say music.

So, my question for you, readers, is this: what does music mean to you?


  1. Music is truly the expression of the deepest emotions of human experience. That's why it has so much power. I'm not sure why a few air frequencies have so much power over our lives, but I believe that music is a gift from God for us humans, to use to glorify Him. That is why music is powerful, and why it's important to me, among many other reasons. Like you, when I'm sad, music makes me happy. Music is just totally awesome.

  2. Music is my muse. I write more than I play music, although I do that a lot as well. Music clears my channel of writing, makes my mind think and bend. Whether it's a set of lyrics, or a beautiful chord that is so fragile that the whisper of any other sound will make it break, music inspires me.
