It's a beautiful day here in Lakeville, Minnesota! Last night we got a thunderstorm but it got me thinking; music is all around us. All you have to do to hear it is to immerse yourself with nature. When surrounded by nature, you can hear the most remarkable things. Can you honestly tell me what rain on a pine tree sounds like? Can you hear the rustle of fresh fallen snow? I can, and so can you. As a composer, I constantly search for inspiration but often times I draw it from my own backyard. I can hear music in everything around me when I am in the woods. When I hear a pretty run by a bird, I translate that to a piccolo. When I hear rain, I see a tremolo orchestra.I feel that music is inescapable.No matter how much you may deny music. No matter how much you may love sports, school, or other activities, you can never escape the pull of music. I can't and you can't. It is ingrained into our being. So, I challenge you: find music in something unconventional over the course of this week and tell me what it was. There are absolutely no wrong answers. I want to fond out what you perceive to be naturally musical.
And, let me know what country you're from, just for some context