Sunday, April 22, 2012

Music and Life

I think that anyone can attest to the notion that music can affect every single person in the world, whether in a poor country or rich, lover or hater of music. If you look at any indigenous tribe of Africa, there always is a way for the people to praise the gods through song. People whistle when they are bored. If your see it my way, it seems like we cannot survive without music. I definetly couldn't. Some innate sense deep within our instinct/soul (depending on spiritual beliefs) tells us that we must make noises to form some type of melody, whether complex or not. And yet, the world is full of violence. Why does no one try to use music as an instrument of peace? It is the universal language! Frankly, I have found that music can really bring life to people. I really feel that music is the strong foundation in this world. What's your opinion?


  1. That is a very interesting thought (This is Tiller by the way). Since music really is a universal language, why hasn't music been used to make peace more often? There is a story that I heard once about WWI, and how the French and German armies came together on Christmas Eve and sang together instead of fighting that night. Music does that and more. But also, there is quite a bit of violent music in our culture (gangster rap, metal, etc), so that may be a reason. I'm not saying that every should have to listen to classical music (because classical isn't the only means of musical language), but that is truly what music was supposed to be.

  2. Yeah, there's a flip side too, like Tillo says. The first concert I ever went to was called Music As A Weapon - the theme is transcending everything in your path with music as your medium. While there can be a feeling of unity between people singing one song, music is often what /keeps/ people from being violent, not what ends what has already started. Music is how people positively express themselves instead of acting out in negative ways, so I think it's healthy that our culture has that violent music in it.

    But I've also heard that in WWII, the French and German forces had a ceasefire to sing traditional Christmas songs in their own languages! So I guess it really depends what type of music people listen to, what moods people are in, and so on.
