Saturday, May 26, 2012

Music "In the Wild"

As we enter the American holiday Memorial Day weekend, I think it's a good idea to think about the effect on life that music has.

(I know, not very connected.)

I'm camping at William O'Brian State Park this weekend. I was thoughtful enough to bring my guitar. Even so, I miss the music that civilized life has to offer. I am very fortunate to live in a society where music is encouraged. Whereas camping can make some people feel close to nature, it makes me feel separated from my true love, music. It's at these times that I must remember there is music all around us.

So here's the question: how does music impact your daily life? And, if it does, what would be the effect of not having it?

Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love your questions <3

    In just my daily life, without any glorifications, music is my indestructible shield in multiple ways.

    1) When I'm walking down the hall in school or on the bus, having my headphones in and listening to music makes people I don't want to talk to leave me alone. (Christian, you should know what I mean about the bus part.) It protects me from getting into negative situations.

    2) When I'm angry, music calms me down. Had a bad day and want to channel my violence? Disturbed, Korn, Tool. Pissed off and confused and hurt? Yiruma, Sarah Slean, Nobuo Uematsu.

    And then of course, on a daily basis, music inspires my creative writing, regardless of what I'm listening to.

    So I guess...I really depend on music. Without it as my shield, I'm defenseless. Without it as my muse, I'm dull.

    (I'm imagining you playing in the wilderness with a guitar. Very romantic~)
