Wednesday, August 8, 2012

we are

This is a song by Craig Hella Johnson. The song states that we are more than what people say.

I am a boy, a musician, a diabetic, a high schooler, a son, a brother, and a friend.

But, I am so much more than these labels. I am a human being; alive, and ever growing. Mere words cannot accurately depict my meaning. Even the simplest of things: my name; cannot describe me. I am not "Christian". This is but a title.

We are more than labels. Everyone has meaning. Everyone is unique. This is why names are inadequate. There may be hundreds of Tylers in the world, but there is only one you.

Also, I have a quote from the song:

if you could know for one moment how it is to live in our bodies within the world

you ask to much of us

you ask to little

-"we are", Michael Dennis Browne

This can be interpreted many ways. One way is to say that, in this example, my life is difficult and say to someone that if they only knew how hard my life is, they'd understand. Another is to say that my life is great and that if only someone less fortunate could see how amazing it is to be mr. Finally, I think it is a combination. This is meant to show the reader how lives differ from each other. We must grow and compensate for others's losses and expect the same.

you ask to much of us...

This is the most moving passage. I'm a music kid. Sports and cars and girls are a huge part of "being a man". Or at least culture says so...

I've been expected to follow this rule of society but I refuse! I feel it is unjust to ask from me something not in my nature.

And yet, my talents: music and language; are not appreciated enough. I am not given the chance to show what I can do.

I know I am not alone in this school of thought.

I know I sound radical.

I know life must have more meaning than just names.

Please, let me know what you think. Let me know how this text speaks to you.